About Roots to Wings Yoga
Hi! We are Michael Fong & Tristina Kennedy, the founders of Roots to Wings Yoga. Collectively, we have been teaching yoga full-time for over 25 years. We are movement and wellness educators in our Sacramento community and abroad.
Yes, we have done all of the wild things you might expect from dedicated yoga practitioners! We’ve studied with a guru at an ashram near the foot of the Himalayas in India. We have meditated for days on end with monks in monasteries. We’ve taken thousands of hours of trainings to diversify our knowledge.
Our approach to the practice is unique. We blend traditional yoga and meditation techniques with modern science-based approaches. Each class we teach is informed by functional anatomy, biomechanics, and an array of movement methodologies. We want you to move and feel well for many years to come.
Our method of yoga is sustainable, balanced, creative, and fun! The people who participate in our classes range from professional athletes in their 20s, to individuals with significant movement restrictions in their 80s. We know how to effectively tailor different styles of yoga to fit the needs of a very diverse audience.
We founded Roots to Wings Yoga from the strong desire to have a platform to share our teachings and retreats amongst communities across the globe. Let’s grow together!

Tristina Kennedy

Michael Fong
In 2010, I left the corporate world behind to share my love of yoga with others. I felt compelled to make yoga my life's work because of how transformative this practice can be. My time on the mat has helped me develop tools to better manage my stress, feel more inner balance, and find a deeper sense of meaning in my life.
I teach a dynamic and creative style of movement to awaken strength and balance throughout the body and mind. My classes weave in the spiritual aspect of the practice with things like chanting, meditation, and offerings on yogic philosophy.
I am deeply committed to my personal practice, which is the foundation of my teaching. I have studied various styles of yoga, movement, and meditation around the world with an array of respected teachers. I share my passion for travel through retreats in various international destinations.
I have been teacher and a trainer for more than a decade. My yoga practice began over 17 years ago. I decided to dedicate my life to yoga because this practice WORKS!
For as long as I can remember, I suffered from debilitating anxiety and chronic pain from injuries in my neck and lower back. Yoga taught me how to breathe through tension, be less reactive to pressure, and move in a balanced way. Today, I am grateful to say that I have not experienced a panic attack in years, and I no longer feel pain in my body!
The mental and physical benefits of yoga are evidence-based and powerful. Yoga has helped me in every aspect of my life. I am here to teach you yoga in a mindful, innovative, and effective way. It is my great honor to practice with a global community, and I am committed to sharing my knowledge and my heart with you. Let’s grow together!